quarrying and exporting of  
  rough granite blocks  

Head office

Head office

Finska stenindustri Ab
Helsingintie 108
FI-23310 Taivassalo

Tel: +358 2 4377 711



Balmoral Red coarse-grained

Pietilä quarry / Pietilän louhimo
Korventie 71
23310 Taivassalo


Balmoral Red fine-gained

Uhlu quarry / Uhlun louhimo
Uhluntie 133
23200 Vinkkilä


Baltic Brown

Hepovuori Quarry / Hepovuoren louhimo
Vaalimaantie 4038
54430 Hujakkala

Parkkola Quarry / Parkkolan louhimo
Parkkolantie 70
54430 Hujakkala

Husu quarry / Husun louhimo
Vaalimaantie 3820
54430 Hujakkala


Carmen Red

Lypsyniemi quarry / Lypsyniemen louhimo
Haikantie 119
49900 Virolahti

Pyterlahti quarry / Pyterlahden louhimo
Töriseväntie 143
499000 Virolahti

Joukaisten louhimo / Joukainen quarry
Kirkontie 53
49900 Virolahti


Eagle Red

Kotka quarry / Kotkan louhimo
Heinsuontie 70
48410 Kotka


International sales offices

See our international sales offices at the R.E.D. Graniti website:

» Click here


Suomen Kiviteollisuus Oy – Finska Stenindustri Ab

Finska Stenindustri Ab (Suomen Kiviteollisuus Oy in Finnish) is focused in quarrying and exporting of rough granite blocks. Company was founded already in 1900 so we have a long history and experience in stone field.

During the years Finska has supplied granite for many outstanding buildings around the world. We strive to continuously provide our customers high quality materials and good and flexible service.



Balmoral Red,
Balmoral Red,
Baltic Brown
Carmen Red
Eagle Red
Kuru Grey

Suomen Kiviteollisuus Oy
Helsingintie 108
23310 Taivassalo

Tel. +358 2 4377 711
» All contacts

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